Landing Page Template 1 - Landing Page 1 Collage.png

Landing Page Templates


While working at Forge3, clients needed a way to easily build a landing page and generate leads. For Forge3, the team needed a quick and efficient way to build pages for clients without having to start from scratch for each time. I created templated landing pages that would allow an independent insurance agency to run an ad for a specific insurance coverage, facilitate a contest, or promote an event.

Landing Page Template 1 - Landing Page 1 Collage.png

How I Got It Done

  • I created landing page templates on WordPress using WP Bakery. The landing pages are call-to-action focused depending on the goal of the page.

  • In order to determine which templates to create, I researched which types of pages clients have requested over the last year to determine topic priority. From my research, I determined that Forge3 needed a landing page for promoting a specific insurance coverage, promoting an event, or facilitating a contest.

  • After creating the landing pages, I designed a process the Forge3 team would follow based on the types of landing page requests that came through the Forge3 support inbox. In order to get a topic and content from the client, I developed Word Document templates for the client to fill out.

  • Based on the content provided, the team would create the page using the landing page templates.

Example landing page Word Document templates.

The Process

Step 1:
Client requests a landing page by submitting a support request.

Step 2:
Forge3 sends the client the Word Document template and client fills it out.

Step 3:
Forge3 team designs the landing page, based off the client’s content.

Step 4:
Forge3 team sends the final, designed landing page back to the client.

Landing Page Template 1 - Landing Page 1 Collage.png

Landing page template #1 - Run an ad for a specific insurance coverage

Landing page template #2 - Facilitate a contest

Landing Page Template 3 - Landing Page 3 Collage.png

Landing page template #3 - Promote an event


  • The Forge3 team used to spend 2 hours (on average) creating a landing page from scratch for each client. After using the landing page templates, the time was cut by 75% and averages to be 30 minutes per landing page.

  • Clients need to think about one less thing for their marketing efforts. The only thing they need to do is fill out the Word Document template with their chosen content.